Arc Flash Burns Are Serious. You Need Serious Representation.
After the damage that was done to New York City by Hurricane Sandy in 2012, many electrical systems were damaged by salt water that seeped underground and soaked into the power system, causing rot and decay that has slowly eaten away at the power systems. It has been a massive public works project over the last decade to clean up the damage that was done, and it involves electrical workers entering very dangerous places to perform delicate repair work, in some cases on live power lines. This can result in horrific injuries as damaged live power lines erupt into arc flash explosions, causing severe burns.
At Edelman & Edelman, P.C., we have been assisting New York electrical workers who have been injured by severe burns while on the job. Your employer owes you safety and if they fail to provide that by cutting corners, not providing proper protective equipment, or ensuring that you will not be put in unnecessary danger, then we can help you to get compensation for your injuries and other losses.
Employers Often Fail To Implement Workplace Safety Measures For NYC Electrical Workers
We have been helping clients for over 65 years, and in that time we have heard many of the ways that employers fail to protect electric workers. Many fail to provide proper training or protective equipment that can withstand the heat from an arc flash explosion. In many cases, power lines are left on while electric workers are fixing cables so that residential units don’t have to go for several days without power while work is being done. Because of the extensive damage throughout NYC’s electrical infrastructure, many employers are more than willing to cut these corners in order to increase their productivity and profits.
In these cases, we can help you. Our co-founder, attorney Martin Edelman, helped get a $19.686 million settlement for the family of an electrical worker in his 30s who suffered fatal electrical burns over 80% of his body, caused by an NYC arc flash explosion that occurred when he was replacing electric cables. The arc flash lawsuit alleged that the defendant’s failure constituted a violation of NY law.
Contact Our New York Burn Injury Attorneys To Get The Help You Need
If you were injured by a workplace electrical fire or arc blast and you believe that your employer is at fault, then you need to speak with Edelman & Edelman, P.C.. You can call us at 212-235-1197 or you can send us a brief email to tell us about your case.